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Samwiz1's Short Story
and Literature Hub

Alriiiiiiiiight, Welcome to my Short Story and Literature Hub! So, here's the deal

for what's on the menu at the moment.

The first option for what you might be here for is my original short story pieces.

The items I have under this category are set at different points in time in my Rogue

Earth universe. The basic premise of the setting is Earth gets flung out of the Solar

System in the mid 2010s and humanity has to burrow into the planet to survive.

Nothing truly original, but the more time I've had to think on it the more interesting things

I've come up with for storytelling and worldbuilding concepts. Still don't have

too much here, but there's been a lot of behind-the-scenes thought put into both

the original premise and how to move that premise in new directions, so click the

button below to see what I've been cooking.

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