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Samwiz1's Old World

Blues Hub

Over the years, I've taken on a decent number of writing projects, both for personal purposes and for school & college grades. Most of which I've actually put a reasonable amount of effort into, because I happen to quite enjoy the process of telling a good story.


For anyone who has no idea what this page is, there's a game out there called

"Hearts of Iron 4." It's got a bit of a mixed reputation, just by the nature of being a WW2 simulator where you can play as the Nazis. However, it has an incredible and truly massive modding scene that takes the humble World War 2 Simulator and turns it into so much more than the original game ever could have been. One of those mods,

"Old World Blues,"

is a total-conversion overhaul for the game that replaces literally EVERYTHING with a

complete and canon-adjacent community take on the SciFi world depicted in the game series "Fallout." That mod is a masterpiece, and there was a time where I wanted

to do everything I could to contribute to it and to the community surrounding it.

To that end, me and a couple friends worked together to make three Submods to

the main mod that people could subscribe to and run alongside OWB to enhance

their experience with an additional few nation overhauls fully written and designed by yours truly.

As a disclaimer, the vast majority of the coding in those projects was not done by me.

Full credit to the code work goes to Discord users "DoctorEntropy" and "bigslappy2840",

two friends of mine who are far more adept at coding than I will ever be.


With all of that preface out of the way, if you're at all interested in reading the full text

of the voluminous tomes I wrote for the three modding projects, please begin with the

buttons below.



"Unity in Texas" features the story of a city-state of West Coast Super Mutants trying to live as close to normal lives as they can manage alongside human civilization, given their conditions. But with many mutants having grown dissatisfied being treated as lesser citizens and many more swept up in the rising tide of Texan Nationalism, Mayor Keats must do everything in his power to avoid letting his political rival Crusher usurp the peace and unity he's worked so hard to build.











"Law and Order" (which has since been integrated into the official OWB mod) tells the shorter tale of the old world city of Lafayette, Louisiana, and how even after the apocalypse, life will always go on so long as people remain to live it. But wherever there's people, there's always gonna need to be someone to keep the peace, and not every lawman in the end of times is so keen to nurture an honest heart.











"In the Sun-Scorched Canyons" follows the malicious experimentations of Dr. Willem Clark in his undying quest to turn the human race into an immortal, superior form, whether immortal ghouldom is something the rest of the world wants or not. But for as genius an inventor as Dr. Clark may be, his obstinance in the face of military reality might just prove to be his undoing if he can't rally the number he'll need to conquer the world.

Disclaimer: While I did make significant rewrites to every notable event in this storyline, not 100% of the writing here is my original work.

Just like... 95%. That feels like a safe number. But also it's a fan-mod of another franchise and I'm not trying to monetize any of it so

I don't think there's any significant moral issue or anything with posting it here, given the overarching "story" being told was my orchestration. :)


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