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Samwiz1's Rogue Earth
Story Hub

Hey there, and welcome to the main attraction of original content on this website.

If you're here, it's because you're interested in my writing with specific regards to what I can do with no boundaries but the limitations of my own mind and what I understand to be hard science. I do like my Hard SciFi.

(Hard SciFi is a term used to describe Science Fiction that tries to strictly obey the laws of science as we know it today, if you didn't know.)


Well, here we are.

The premise for the universe is as follows.

In the early 2000s, an unnaturally large Rogue Planet was detected by scientists in the United States and China making its way towards the Solar System. The best science of the day calculated the world had just over a decade before a cataclysmic tragedy of orbital alteration resulting from a close pass from the rogue planet with Earth's natural orbit around the sun would fling the Earth out of the solar system forever.

The United States and China hoarded this information to ensure they got a headstart on

technological and infrastructural development preparing for the end of the world.

The rest of the world found out just a few years before the event occurred.

The Terran Ejection in the early 2010s would become the most defining event in human history, with the Earth going from a green paradise slowly warming itself up to a ball of atmospheric snow covering frozen oceans and dead forests as far as the eye could see.


200 years later, and the Earth's population is finally starting to rise again. Where 8 billion humans once lived on the surface of the cradle of human life, less than 300 million people survived the end of the world, with the largest populations existing in the radically-transformed United States of America and the rival People's Republic of Earth.

And while both sides of the new bipolar world order still have every reason for hostility, the stakes for the human race's survival have rendered any possibility of genuine conflict in fighting over what remains of the corpse world very, very cold indeed.

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